Thursday, May 31, 2007

Mega Tattooage

I never really thought I'd see the inside of a tattoo parlor, but Sara got a tattoo for her birthday and asked me to come along for moral support. Yippee! I love living vicariously through others. When I told Jacque and Amy that I was going, they both immediately responded, "You're totally gonna pass out." Thanks a lot for the vote of confidence, guys! I assured them that I would be JUST FINE, and guess who was right? ME. I love it when that happens.

Watching someone else get tattooed is seriously no big deal. It was sort of reminiscent of going to the dentist, because you sit in a dentist-style chair, and there are machines that buzz, and everything is sterilized. They even had a mini autoclave! But they played funky music, and the walls were spray-painted bright colors, and there were pictures of Lionel Ritchie all over. All the things necessary for relaxation.

Sara handled the pain like a pro, only flinching a couple times. I was Lead Documentarian for the event.


Me looking goofy, but not ill.

Sara pretending to be in excruciating pain.
She actually looks like she was being tickled,
which is probably more accurate to what was
actually going on.

A flinch.

Ta-da! The final product:

Monday, May 28, 2007

Skagit Valley Tulip Festival

Sometime in April...

The ritual decapitation of tulips is still, in this
day and age, taking place on American soil.
Please do you part to help end the petal-shed.

Yes, that's right. The elusive Ninja tulip.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Two Words

Um, awesome?!

Also, I am loving Muse. Why did I wait so long to listen to them? Sara rocks for giving me their album. Sara rocks for so many things. I would even go so far as to say that she is a rock-star. Happy Birthday, Sara!