Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Cool kids

No John, I'm not still sick. Just too busy to update my blog!

The PhD student that I offered to help (for free, of course) is finally ready to kick things off, and he has signed me up as an honorary research fellow at the school. This means my school email has been re-activated (they cut us all off a month after we finished our dissertations) and I get to spend more time at the school. I've previously noticed that any time I spend at the school makes me feel really warm and fuzzy inside. It reminds me of the good old days when I was surrounded by people with the same passions and interests as me. When it was perfectly normal for dinner conversation to revolve around gastric worm infections and the best treatment for herpes. I miss it like crazy, but I don't really realise that I've been missing it until I'm reexposed to it all.

So when I logged in to my email account just now for the first time, I almost felt like crying with joy when the first two emails I read were headed:
"New Podcast: "This Wormy World": Global Atlas of Worm Infections"

"Delete if not interested in TB"

It's like I've been temporarily invited into an elite club that I've been dying to get into for a year.

Friday, August 06, 2010

The time, it's a-flying

Tempus fugit, yo. In approximately one month and a week, I will have been in this country for two years. Two years! It really doesn't feel like that long. I managed to snag myself a second part-time job, so I've stopped stressing about money, but I've started stressing about moving. I told my flatmate/landlord that I'm looking for cheaper flats, and she said she was gonna start advertising my room. I thought that was a bit abrupt, but it's really not, seeing as how we're cruising through August already, and I want to move out at the beginning of September. And then I realized that Ingo and Beccy are coming to visit at the end of August, beginning of Septebmer, so why on earth did I commit myself to moving?! Shoot shoot shoot. Oh well, we'll see what happens. Maybe I'll talk to Mel and postpone for another month.

I'm sick. I spent all day yesterday squeaking at people at work because I've lost my voice. I sound like a boy going through puberty. This morning, I awoke to an invasion of snot and phlegm. Might call in sick to work, though the president of the whole friggin' company is visiting the store today, so they might kind of want me to be there. We'll see.