I'm taking a sick day today. I've got a bit of a sore throat, which I'm hoping doesn't become anything more than that! So I'm knitting, naturally. I currently have three projects going. That seems to be my average, and maybe explains why it takes me months to finish any one thing :-/
On Friday, I started a bralette using a 4-ply Fiberspates yarn that I bought in Hobart (Tasmania) last year. I'm still working on getting the sizing right, so I've just had to start over, but as I was doing so, our doorbell rang. I had a package!
A package from Izzi and Tim! A birthday package! (I checked the postage date, and Izzi and Tim had sent the parcel well in advance of my birthday. They're so thoughtful! Royal Mail and/or AusPost, however, decided to hold onto it for a little while, so today is almost three months to the day since Tisobel sent it. Lol!)
There was a cute little tea infuser inside, which I took as a hint that I should make myself a big pot of tea, and that has turned out to be a fantastic idea. I bought a tea infuser in Paris that had a little green Eiffel Tower at the end, but the Eiffel Tower came off during one of my many international moves, and we've just been using the infuser without a catcher-thingey, which does not work very well.
On Friday, I started a bralette using a 4-ply Fiberspates yarn that I bought in Hobart (Tasmania) last year. I'm still working on getting the sizing right, so I've just had to start over, but as I was doing so, our doorbell rang. I had a package!
A package from Izzi and Tim! A birthday package! (I checked the postage date, and Izzi and Tim had sent the parcel well in advance of my birthday. They're so thoughtful! Royal Mail and/or AusPost, however, decided to hold onto it for a little while, so today is almost three months to the day since Tisobel sent it. Lol!)
There was a cute little tea infuser inside, which I took as a hint that I should make myself a big pot of tea, and that has turned out to be a fantastic idea. I bought a tea infuser in Paris that had a little green Eiffel Tower at the end, but the Eiffel Tower came off during one of my many international moves, and we've just been using the infuser without a catcher-thingey, which does not work very well.