Monday, October 02, 2006

I Think You Mean "Footloose and Fancy-Free"

This weekend, I hung out with my friend, Emilie, and her friend. Emilie has Asperger's syndrome, which is a disorder on the autistic spectrum (it's basically high-functioning autism). We got on the subject of crushes and boyfriends, and Emilie was chastising her friend and me for not having boyfriends. We, of course, defended ourselves (and womankind) by pointing out that a woman doesn't need to have a man in order to live a happy and fulfilling life, and in fact, life can be much easier when you don't have a boyfriend to stress about. You have more freedom, at least in your schedule. She thought about it, then replied, "Well, yeah, I guess you can be fruitless and happy-free."


  1. Ha, ha, ha!!

  2. Maybe she really meant what she said. Without men, we are fruitless and happy-free.

  3. So is "fruitful" the ability to bear children or the actual bearing of children. Technically, we can bear children without a male/female relationship. So, we can be fruitful if we choose to, even without a man in our lives. But then, like Melody Finnestad said (or was it Ben?), who would pay the doctor's bill? :)

  4. Ah, but without men entirely, we WOULD be fruitless.

  5. You know, life would be better if we all had aspergers. We would all just say what was on our minds and nobody would get their feelings hurt, lol. I LOVE IT!!!!

    Fruitless and happy free. RIGHT!! I definately think she missed the mark there...
