Sunday, September 23, 2012

Work in Progress: Heather Heirloom Bag

Currently working on a new bag. I love big bags that hold all my crap, library books, plus any groceries I need to pick up on the way home. Sadly, I think I stopped these too early, and the bag might end up being rather smaller than desired. Still, I'm pleased with how it's going so far. I'm using my pretty blue-gray-green wool from the Handweavers and Spinners Guild. The finished product is means to have some crochet details, and here are some of my practice pieces.

Pattern: Heirloom bag by Martin Storey
Craft: knitting and crochet

I think I'll be working on this one for a while. It requires a fabric lining and a ribbon strap. This means sewing, and as I haven't yet learned to sew, the future of this bag remains unclear.

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